Sunday, June 19, 2011

The logging and oil-based mud

Using mud oil may have an impact logging and you need to set up different connection tools to obtain accurate data. The impacts of oil based mud logging are on invasion of mud, electrical conductivity, density of oil and water salinity.

First, it is the invasion of mud. invasion oil-based mud will be the effect of resistivity value and can lead to misinterpretation. You need a good logging tool that can read in several feet of the borehole to obtain the exact number of resistivity. Today, several series offering services companies resistivity measurement. This means that a tool can read multiple depth of investigation of a few centimeters to several meters from the wellbore. This is a real benefit to all people understand the invasion of mud, improve accuracy of interpretation of logging, etc.. Tool may cost more money, but it is worthy to invest my opinion. In addition, you should have the sludge that creates sludge cake through good training, because a mud cake prevents formation damage due to invasion of mud.
Second, oil-based mud does not conduct electricity so you're not able to use the newspaper to determine Laterolog formation resistivity. Laterolog newspaper has a basic circuit of transmitting and measuring electrodes in which a potential drop in the resistivity measured for rock. It is suitable for conducting drilling fluid as the water-based mud. You must use the logs for induction resistivity values ​​when drilling with oil-based mud.
Third, oil-based mud has different density of the fluid and the module so the speed of sound will be different compared to the speed of sound in water based mud. A specialist journal interpreter must ensure that right kind of mud is used for connection of interpretation.
Finally, the salinity of water is also an important figure to be taken into consideration while processing the log as it is used to correct the measurement of nuclear particles.

Blogger Labels: impact,connection,tools,data,invasion,misinterpretation,tool,series,services,measurement,depth,investigation,accuracy,interpretation,cost,money,opinion,addition,sludge,formation,Second,newspaper,Laterolog,circuit,logs,induction,Third,module,journal,interpreter,impacts,feet,meters,particles

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