Monday, November 20, 2017

Solid Control in Drilling Oil Gas

Solid Control refers to a well-drilling technique used to provide drilling fluid for drilling deep drilling platforms and to clean this fluid for further use. The technique is often called drilling mud because it uses a stream of water and mud to bring holes solid and cool drilling equipment. This drilling fluid also facilitates the hydrostatic pressure required to prevent the flow of liquid formation into the hole. This technique has increased the security of the well drilling process by making explorative drilling a convenient option.

Solids and drilling methods and methods have seen a number of evolutions over time. By gravity controlled simple solids removal of wells to solid mechanical control systems, the various techniques and equipment used to remove solids from the drilling liquid have made it possible to puncture mud. By creating solid control measures, drilling hole has become much cheaper as the drilling solution is reused.

One of the first known solids uses control in a well drilling process that occurred in the late 19th century. A series of processing wells were used to capture drilling fluid from drilling rigs. As the fluid passes from one hole to another, it has been allowed to settle. The gravity force caused solid deposits from the liquid. The drilling fluid could then be conveyed to a pumping station where it was sent to the drilling rig for re-use.

This early solid control system was used as a primary method up to the invention of shaker screws in the 1930s. The vibrator uses a series of progressively small shields to filter cutting materials from the drilling fluid. Operation on the same principle of sorting machines used in the gravel mining industry, shale shale removes the residuals of drilling liquid with gravity and vibration. When the drilling mud passes over the shaker table, the vibrations cause large cuttings to shake off the solution.

Shale shaker is often associated with another piece of mining equipment called hydrocyclone. The hygrodrocyclone is used in the solid control process to filter drilling fluids by centrifugal force. By creating a swirling vortex of the drilling fluid within the hydrocyclone, the solid material created by the perforation process is forced to the outer walls of the machine. These solids then slip into the machine slide, while the drilling fluid is pumped back to the drilling equipment.

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