Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Noble Gas

The noble gases, from the German word Edelgas, are a family of reactive monoatomic gases present at the bottom right of the periodic table. The noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon, and the last, ununctium, with an atomic number 118, only three atoms which have been observed during experiments from 2002 to 2005. helium, the most common noble gas, constitutes about 1/4 of all atoms in the universe. Argon is the most common noble gas here on Earth, where it constitutes 1% of our atmosphere. Helium is available in substantial quantities from groundwater reserves of natural gas also.

In industry, noble gases are used as an inert atmosphere for processes where air reactivity is a problem. Noble gas argon is often used in bulbs, where it provides inert atmosphere for the electrifying tungsten filament. Gaseous gases are often an alternative to another gas used to provide a reactive hydrogen environment due to their lack of flammability. Neon is used for lighting applications, and krypton is used for lasers.

The noble helium helium is among the most versatile, and is used in applications of superconducting airship conductors. Elio has the lowest boiling point of all elements at 4.22 degrees Kelvin, or just a few degrees above absolute zero. Liquid helium is extremely cold and can be used as the last refrigerant when liquid nitrogen is insufficient. We also do not forget that helium can be inhaled to make your voice shrill.

The reason for extremely low noble gas reactivity "is given by their full valence electron shells - their outer electronic shells are all the electrons they can contain, making their negligible electronegativity - not looking for complementary electrons - have little propensity to bond However, xenon, composite krypton and argon can be formed in exotic conditions in a laboratory.

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