Friday, November 10, 2017

How Much Methane Hydrates in the Earth

One can not fail to make a nod in the described picture, to a perspective that in the long run could potentially mitigate concerns, at least on the physical consistency of METAN's resources .

We're talking about HYDRATES of NATURAL GAS : solid compounds formed by water and gas (mostly CNG ), similar in appearance to dry ice.

It is estimated that in the oceans there are about 60 billion of billions of cubic meters of HYDRATES gas, from which, potentially you could get METHANE far exceed 100 times RESERVES estimated to CNG .

The HYDRATES of NATURAL GAS (or gas hydrates) are widespread in large areas of the planet.

They are predominantly formed under low temperature conditions and high pressures typical of oceanic seabed; but are also present in polar and sub-polar continental areas.

They are the result of the decomposition of organic material by the microorganisms present in the sediments, a process that determines the formation of METHANE .

In particularly low temperatures and high pressures - parameters that occur precisely in the seabed or in the areas covered by icy soil - METHANE molecules remain trapped in the ice resulting in hydrated gases.

The main sources of HYDROGEN gas are located along the margins of virtually all ocean platforms, at depths of between 500 and 4000 meters, with thicknesses of even hundreds of meters.

Any commercial exploitation of this hidden treasure at the bottom of the sea is anything but simple.

The problems are due not only to the marine environment and to the depth of the deposits, but above all to the difficulty of managing the present METHANE to bring it to the surface.

Hydrated gases are of metastable nature: if they change the ambient temperature and pressure conditions they pass quickly from solid to gaseous state, dissociating violently into the two water and methane components .

The problem is currently being investigated in many countries, with particular focus on Japan, Canada, the USA and Norway.

Italy is also doing research, thanks in particular to the activity of the National Oceanographic and Experimental Geophysical Institute (OGS), which has been involved in the development of geophysical methods for the purpose of identifying and quantifying the presence of hydrated gases for about ten years.

Research is carried out in numerous ocean areas, including Antarctica, where OCT researchers have recently discovered the first continental WATER gas field .

As for the concrete possibility of recovering this METAN and considering it as an energy reserve for the future, the first steps are moving now and there are still no short-term solutions that can be expected, even if the technological issues to solve do not seem to be prohibitive.

Apart from the great POTENTIAL of available energy, the greatest incentive for research into possible exploitable GIRATI gas fields is represented by their already widespread geographic location, which makes them particularly attractive at a time when, in the international energy market growing geopolitical variable.

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