Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Deepwater Drilling

Deepwater Drilling is the exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas at a depth of several thousand meters (about a thousand meters) starting in 2011. The offshore oil extraction started commercially in 1890 and in the early 1970s , the first wells above 1,000 feet (305 meters) of depth have been perforated. In the early 21st centurycentury, perforation began to reach thousands of feet, and a new term for drilling depth known as ultra-deepwater, or 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) or more, has become a concrete reality. Starting in April 2011, the world record for the successful deep drilling of a functional offshore oil well was 10,194 feet (3,107 meters) fixed by perforation along the coast of India. This is, however, overcome by a well, a completed good that has not yet been fully exploited by oil or natural gas, currently off the coast of the Russian island of Sakhalin in January 2011, reaching a depth of 40,502 feet ( 12,345 meters).

Both exploration of oil and gas in deep drilling water became feasible in 21 °century, only for some fundamental reasons. The first of these is the rise in the price of fossil fuels raw materials on the world market from 2007 to 2008, as well as the technological advances that have made the most proven practice. The rise in oil and gas prices is considered to be the direct cause of an increase in deep-sea oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, which went from three plants in 1992 to a total of 36 operational plants by 2009. It is estimated that a full third of all oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, representing 20% ​​of all deep-sea oil platforms around the world, are drilled to a depth of over 5,000 feet (1,524 meters).

Deepwater drilling technology is not entirely proven, however, as one of the largest oil spills in the history of the world. The April 2010 Deepwater Horizon accident released an estimate of 205,800,000 gallons (779,037,745 liters) of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, or about half of the amount of oil that the United States purchases from foreign suppliers every day. The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig was licensed by the US government to drill at a depth of 18,000 feet (5,486 meters) but there is evidence that the company was actually drilling at a depth of 25,000 feet (7,620 feet) when the incident took place.

Oil production continues to tend to deep-water drilling, however, most ultra-deep water pumping systems at full power, while up to 50% of shallow water plants in major hydrocarbon research companies have been idled. The incredible increase in depth is put into perspective if we consider that drilling has taken place in the North Sea region between the UK and the European continent for decades. The low water, fixed platform North Sea petroleum deposits, which are considered to be fully exploited.

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