Saturday, November 25, 2017


Continuous flow of drilling fluids offers many advantages, including well-bottom well pressure control combined with improved blade cleanliness and stability. In the current scenario of the oil market, these features become key requirements for personnel safety, operational efficiency and cost reduction, particularly in drilling environments with very narrow margins with ever-increasing water depths , and well situations characterized by high pressure and high temperature.

HoD (Heart of Drilling) technology is an advanced system for continuous circulation, developed and patented by Drillmec, where an automated control system provides for switching of sludge circulation between the drive head (top drive ) and a lateral opening integrated into each valve (sub) mounted at the top of the drilling lengths before starting the drilling step. A completely self- locking, remote-controlled key locks the opening and closing of the integrated side door with an operation that does not involve any manual action.

When a new length is added to the drill string, a sub mounted on the perforated length, and in the well, is positioned at the rotary table and the automatic key, which links a lateral flow line, is engagement with the sub. Once the key lock hydraulic clamps are securely connected to the sub, the probe staff can move away from the most vulnerable area, delimited by a red perimeter, and handle the rest of the operating sequence by a control panel remote. Acting on the key controls from the control panel, the operator opens the outer cover of the sub side opening, which remains inside the key throughout the operating sequence. When the control system confirms the opening state of the outer cap, the drilling mud stream can be directed by the top drive to the side opening in the sub before unscrewing the top drive from the drill string; after adding a new drilling length, the mudflow can be redirected to the top drive. The flow rate of drilling sludge to the shaft remains constant throughout the entire connection sequence, thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom well pressure and continuous drilling of the BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases. the drilling mud stream can be directed by the top drive to the side opening in the sub before unscrewing the top drive from the drill string; after adding a new drilling length, the mudflow can be redirected to the top drive. The flow rate of drilling sludge to the shaft remains constant throughout the entire connection sequence, thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom well pressure and continuous drilling of the BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases. the drilling mud stream can be directed by the top drive to the side opening in the sub before unscrewing the top drive from the drill string; after adding a new drilling length, the mudflow can be redirected to the top drive. The flow rate of drilling sludge to the shaft remains constant throughout the entire connection sequence, thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom well pressure and continuous drilling of the BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases. after adding a new drilling length, the mudflow can be redirected to the top drive. The flow rate of drilling sludge to the shaft remains constant throughout the entire connection sequence, thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom well pressure and continuous drilling of the BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases. after adding a new drilling length, the mudflow can be redirected to the top drive. The flow rate of drilling sludge to the shaft remains constant throughout the entire connection sequence, thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom well pressure and continuous drilling of the BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases. thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom drain pressure and continuous BHA drilling (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases. thus maintaining a dynamic shaft condition characterized by a constant bottom drain pressure and continuous BHA drilling (Bottom Hole Assembly). The continuous circulation system HoD can be used both during the drilling phases and in the maneuvering phases.

Some important considerations during the design process have given rise to high safety standards for staff and equipment, ease of integration into the drilling rigs in operation, and the ability to minimize downtime by integrating a maintenance management system in control systems.

All components of the HoD system are designed according to applicable APIs for a working pressure of 7500 psi and a maximum flow rate of 1000 gpm during connection. The side side opening design guarantees a double safety barrier between the pressure inside the drill and the outside during connection to the probe and in the well. Both barriers are independent and have been tested at one and a half times the exercise pressure.

The system is designed to be integrated into ground and sea systems, with the manifold running the sludge flow, the hydraulic unit and the control system integrated in the same frame with a small footprint. This feature provides complete flexibility during installation, safe and fast assembly operations without the need for expensive modifications to the sludge circuit of the drilling rig. The typical installation layout isolates the manifold from the pumping system during the drilling phases. Consequently, the load losses added to the mud circuit are minimized and the duration of the valves in the sludge manifold can be drastically increased. In addition, with the non-pressurized sludge manifold during drilling,

Operations during connection are completely controlled through a secure area on the probe plane or directly from the perforator cabin. Human intervention is only required to engage and remove the automatic key, but the key itself and the associated hinge are not pressurized during such operations. For newly conceived Drillmec systems, where the HoD Continuous Circulating System can be integrated directly into the mud system, a fully automated keypad handling system has also been developed.

Management software provides complete remote control of operating sequences, as well as providing real-time status of each component of the system on the remote control panel. The connection sequence can be performed with a fully automated or semi-automatic routine. In both cases, the control system acquires and processes signals from integrated sensors into the main components of the system, reducing human errors with text messages and alarms. The software also includes a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) that helps maintain a historical database of operating parameters for each component of the system, plan and monitor maintenance activities, and manage transaction reports.

After successfully completing rigorous hydrostatic and functional testing programs, the HoD Continuous Circuit System has recently completed field application in a deep pit for the confinement of a ground field in Europe. In particular, the HoD® Continuous Circulating System has been used to perform 12-inch and 1/4 phase drilling with the objective of maintaining constant ECD ("equivalent circulation density") density during connections, improve drill and hole battery cleaning and stability during drilling and drum extraction from the well. For this application, "ad hoc" designed and built for acid environments containing H2S,

The entire HoD package showed excellent results in terms of functionality and reliability of components in extreme working conditions and characterized by high specific weight sludges and high hydraulic parameters. Continuous circular connections were carried out in complete safety with a maximum pressure of the plant probe manifold of 4,200 psi and a maximum flow rate of 750 gpm.

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